
Originally posted on Sumal Jamil:
Sometimes all we need is a little courage. Enough courage to start, courage to speak, courage to write, courage to paint, to draw, to look, to learn. Enough courage to speak our minds out. Enough courage to convey every message burning inside our souls. Enough courage to standup for what we…

Note to self!

When you say you’re struggling, you’re not alone and remember this. There are millions of people out there fighting their battles, some with the world, some with their fate and some with their own inner demons. You remember that girl wearing branded dress and held a classy bag, she is struggling too. That guy with […]

Note to self # 2

Sweet soul, It’s okay to rest sometimes. It’s okay to fail, it’s okay to be average sometimes in work, study, competition etc. But darling, it’s never okay to feel average, to feel low about one’s self or to underestimate yourself. You are truly talented and hold great potential to succeed and shine in your own […]